

查找与Well-U员工健康计划和资格相关的常见问题的答案, 按项目组织. 你可以 访问Well-U页面 了解更多信息.


欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 个人健康评估页面.

Am I eligible to receive a biometric screening?

Before signing up for your biometric screening, please check the Well-U 资格表 确保你符合资格.

我如何注册 for a biometric screening?

你可以 sign up for your biometric screening using the 在线电子健康调度程序. 将会有一个即将到来的时间和地点列表,可以进行生物识别筛选.

How long will my biometric screening take?

Your biometric screening will take approximately 15 minutes, 但可能更长或更短取决于你想和护士讨论多少信息.

Should I take my Online 健康 Survey before or 后 my biometric screening?

你可以 choose to take the online 治愈th surveys before or 后 your screening; 然而, 我们建议你在筛查前服用,这样护士就可以根据你的调查和生物识别筛查结果提出适当的建议.

W在这里 do I take my Online 健康 Survey?
After completing online 治愈th survey 1, when will I receive my $125 incentive?

合格的人 receive their incentive in 1-2 pay periods 后 completing online 治愈th survey 1. You will find your incentive under the “Hours & 薪水的“收入”部分. It will be labeled “PHA Self” for the employee’s incentive, and “PHASpDp” if you are receiving an incentive for a spouse/domestic partner.


欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 生活方式管理页面.

Am I eligible to participate in a lifestyle management program?

请检查Well-U 资格表 to see what programs you are eligible for.

How much do lifestyle management programs cost?

生活方式管理项目 are no-cost for 合格的人.


合格的人 在完成生活方式管理项目后,在1-2个工资周期内获得奖励. You will find your incentive under the “Hours & 薪水的“收入”部分. It will be labeled “Well Pg Self” for the employee’s incentive, and “Well Pg SpDp” if you are receiving an incentive for a spouse/domestic partner.

How many lifestyle management programs can I participate in each year?

符合条件的个人可以参加尽可能多的生活方式管理项目, 然而, you will only receive the $100 incentive once per calendar year.


欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 状态管理界面.

Am I eligible to participate in a condition management program?

请检查Well-U 资格表 to see what programs you are eligible for. 符合条件的员工也必须被诊断出患有这种疾病,才能参加该计划.

How much do condition management programs cost?

状态管理程序 are no-cost for 合格的人.


合格的人 在完成条件管理计划后,在1-2个工资期内获得奖励. You will find your incentive under the “Hours & 薪水的“收入”部分. It will be labeled “HLTH PG Self” for the employee’s incentive, and “HLTH PG SpDp” if you are receiving an incentive for a spouse/domestic partner.

How many condition management programs can I participate in each year?

合格的人 may participate in as many condition management programs as they would like, 然而, you will only receive the $100 incentive once per calendar year.


欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 情绪和心理健康页面 或浏览 UR医学EAP网站.


UR医学EAP为解决各种个人和工作挑战提供保密指导和支持. 最重要的是, 服务对雇员及其家庭成员是免费的(在有限的时间内).


If you or another member of your household require more than 5 visits, 你的EAP辅导员会把你推荐给最适合你需求的社区辅导员. Once referred, you will be responsible for payment. 然而, EAP考虑的是你有什么类型的保险和你支付共同支付的能力.

Will my employer find out that I went?

保密 is truly the hallmark of EAP’s services. 所有服务都是保密的,除非您有书面许可或法律规定. EAP辅导员将在您第一次预约之前或第一次预约时与您充分讨论保密问题.

Is UR医药EAP available 后 business hours?

T在这里 may be times when you need to speak with a counselor immediately. If it is 后 normal business hours (8 a.m5 p.m) and you have an urgent need, they can be reached by calling (585) 276-9110. 他们的应答服务将与EAP的临床医生联系,后者将回复您的电话并提供即时帮助.


欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 情绪和心理健康页面 或浏览 行为健康伙伴网站.


必和必拓提供保密协议, 一对一的, 亲自或电话咨询会议,以帮助大学员工处理压力, 焦虑, 和抑郁. BHP was developed in response to employee feedback about the need for accessible, 负担得起的, and high-quality mental 治愈th care.


请检查Well-U 资格表 看看你是否符合资格.



  • 您的PPO计划:通过必和必拓获得的服务没有自付费用(不受每次20美元共付费用的限制).
  • 您的hsa合格计划:通过必和必拓获得的服务受年度免赔额的限制,在免赔额达到后,可获得100%的保险.
Do I need a referral to be seen at BHP?



欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 Accessing Well-U via 远程医疗 page.


远程医疗是安全的, 基于web的视频会议, using the Zoom Cloud Meeting app which is accessible via your smartphone, 平板电脑, 或者任何有网络摄像头的电脑, used to facilitate long-distance 治愈th care, 健康教育.

What equipment do I need for telehealth?

You will need a smartphone, 平板电脑, 或者任何有网络摄像头的电脑. 我们建议使用安全的互联网连接,因为远程医疗将使用大量数据.


Open the app store from your mobile device and download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app. You will receive a Zoom session meeting number/link for your program. 要么在Zoom应用程序中输入数字,要么点击您收到的确认电子邮件中的链接,在您预约的时候进入Zoom会话.

What wellness programs are available via telehealth?
How is a telehealth appointment different from an in-person appointment?

这不是! You will receive the same program via telehealth as you would in-person. 远程医疗的唯一区别是,您可以选择从您选择的地点参加.


欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 Well-U冠军页面.

什么是Well-U Champion?

Well-U冠军是大学健康部门和他们自己部门之间的联络人. 冠军负责向同事推广健康项目和活动,并将本部门的需求和愿望传达给Well-U.

Do I have to re-sign up to be a Champion every year?

是的. 在每年年初,我们要求冠军重新报名,以确认他们对冠军的承诺,并允许新的人报名,如果以前的冠军不再有兴趣成为冠军.


Well-U冠军被认为是他们部门健康和保健方面的专家. Well-U全年都举办冠军赛事,所以你是第一个知道任何新的和即将到来的员工健康计划的人.

How do I view the past Weekly 健康 newsletters?

View the past Weekly 健康 newsletters 在这里.

Studio Sweat onDemand

欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的 健身和身体健康页.

What type of fitness classes does Well-U provide?

Well-U将网赌论坛有哪些的员工与一个在线虚拟健身课程平台连接起来, 工作室按需流汗. 这是一个不断增长的图书馆,有成千上万种随需应变的锻炼方式,其中还包括冥想和正念的内容.

Who can enroll in 工作室按需流汗?

这项福利适用于罗彻斯特大学的所有员工,包括全职/兼职教师, 员工(包括SEIU成员).

Is t在这里 a cost to use 工作室按需流汗?

No, this is a free benefit for employees.


The best way to get started is to get watch this 教程视频. 然后你就知道了 在这里注册 使用你的员工ID和姓名. 一旦你创建了一个帐户,你就可以立即开始访问点播视频


How can I watch the on demand videos and workouts?

有几种不同的方法. 您可以随时在任何互联网流媒体设备(如桌面)上观看视频, 移动PC, 智能电视(苹果电视, chromecast, 谷歌电视, Roku), 或者作为iPhone上的免费应用, 安卓, 或iPad.

When can new employees sign up for this?

New employees can sign up on or 后 the first Monday of the month 你的入职日期.



罗彻斯特大学将为员工提供为期8周的集体远足, led by a certified personal trainer from 最大努力训练. Each week will be at a different location.


Saturday mornings, May 18, 2024–July 6, 2024, from 9 a.m.–10 a.m.


Each week will be at a different location. 你可以 view each week/location on the 活动页面. 

Do I have to sign up for every week?

No. 你可以 sign up for as many (or few) weeks as you would like. 它们并不相互依赖.


No. 对于这个2024年春季项目,只有网赌论坛有哪些的员工可以报名参加. Sign-in will be held each week at the hike.


Pick which weeks you want to sign up for on the 事件日历. 每个星期都有自己的注册,所以一定要为你想参加的每个星期注册. The dates are Saturdays, May 18–July 6, 2024.


远足领队会在前一周给每个报名参加每周远足的人发邮件. 这将包括每次徒步旅行的确切地点和联系信息.
