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Non-matriculated Students

Non-matriculated students at the University of Rochester are not eligible to receive either University, federal, 或者国家资助,因为他们不被学位寻求项目所接受. The only available type of aid available to these students are alternative educational loans.


这些教育贷款由银行和教育贷款机构提供. 替代贷款也可称为私人教育贷款或补充贷款, 因为他们不隶属于联邦或州贷款项目.

International students will most likely need to secure a private/alternative loan with a U.S. cosigner. If you do not have a U.S. cosigner, 请设法通过你本国的银行获得贷款, 特别是如果他们在美国提供学生贷款的话.

Please note: We do recommend that non-matriculated students speak to a financial aid counselor first before pursuing alternative loans.

查看有关替代教育贷款选项的其他信息 loans page.


Non-matriculated students who are taking pre-requisite courses for entry into a degree-seeking program may be eligible for federal student loan support. To be eligible, students must 符合以下所有标准:

  • Must be a U.S. 有资格获得联邦财政援助的公民或永久居民.
  • 必须申请有先决条件要求的学位课程. 这包括提交完整的入学申请, 包括所有成绩单和其他学术记录.
  • 必须获得招生/学术官员的学术批准, confirming that the pre-requisite courses will be required for entry to their program based on a review of the student’s application and academic records.
  • Must be enrolling in at least six credits of required pre-requisite coursework in a given semester.

如果符合上述标准, 我们鼓励学生联系维多利亚·迪斯特法诺 and request a copy of a Non-Matriculated Certification Form to be completed by the student and an admissions/academic officer from the degree program to which they’ve applied.

此外,学生还应提交一份 FAFSA 在适当的学年.  网赌论坛有哪些的学年从秋季学期到夏季学期.  So, for example, students taking coursework during the Summer 2024 semester would need to complete a 2023-2024 FAFSA.  Students taking coursework during the Fall 2024 semester would need to complete a 2024-2025 FAFSA. 学校的FAFSA校号是002894.

Students can email the Non-Matriculated Certification Form to Victoria DiStefano when it has been completed in full, 所有的部分和问题都填好了.  The Financial Aid Office will be able to confirm a student’s eligibility for federal loans for the pre-requisite coursework upon receiving both the completed form and the appropriate year’s FAFSA.


I believe I meet the criteria listed above to be eligible for federal loan funding for my pre-requisite coursework.  启动审核流程的下一步是什么?
  1. 与护理学院确认你的入学申请已经完成, 包括提交所有成绩单和学术记录.
  2. Submit your registration for your required coursework online and indicate that you are pursuing financial aid to fund the courses.
  3. Reach out to Victoria DiStefano 索取非大学录取证明书副本. 完整填写表格,并提交至 for verification that the courses are required for your entry into the degree program to which you have applied.
  4. 填写完表格的所有部分并签署后,将表格提交至 Victoria DiStefano.
  5. 提交相应学年的FAFSA. 使用网赌论坛有哪些的学校代码002894.

财政援助办公室和护理学院将从那里协调整个过程, 当你的资助资格被确定时通知你.  在审查表格和你的FAFSA, the Financial Aid Office may need to reach out for additional information or clarification in order to proceed with reviewing your eligibility.  请务必查看您在注册表格上提供的电子邮件地址, 因为这是办公室联系你的方式.

What is the timeline for being reviewed for federal loan eligibility for my pre-requisite coursework?

Upon receipt of the Non-Matriculated Certification Form and submission of online registration for the courses, it will take approximately two business weeks for a student’s eligibility to be reviewed and confirmed.  请记住,FAFSA适用于相应的学年 must 由网赌论坛有哪些提交并接收,以便完成本次审查.

When a student’s eligibility for federal loans has been determined, they will be notified via email.  财政援助办公室也会通知护理学院他们的资格.  If their eligibility is sufficient to cover the cost of the courses they have registered for, 并且他们的注册与非入学证明表上列出的相符, 护理学院会让学生有机会开始他们的课程.

收到联邦贷款资格通知后, 我还需要采取什么额外的步骤吗?

Yes.  Two online documents will need to be completed in order to formally accept and agree to repay the federal loans you have been offered: Entrance Counseling, 及主本票(MPN).  Students can find links to both documents through the “Required Documents” page of their FAOnline account, 当他们被告知他们的资格时,他们将获得哪些访问权限.  学生应使用我们的联邦学校代码002894向网赌论坛有哪些提交文件.  These documents will authorize the Department of Education to disburse the funds to their student billing accounts.  学生可以在我们的网站上阅读更多关于这些文件的信息 website.

如果我决定注册非入学课程并自付学费, 缴费后我还能申请联邦资助吗?

Yes.  如果学生希望注册和支付非预科课程, they can still complete the Non-Matriculated Certification Form and request a review of their federal eligibility, 只要他们符合上面列出的标准.  一旦学生不再注册课程,则不能处理资助, so students are encouraged to submit the Form as well as their FAFSA no later than one month before their enrollment in the courses will end.  如果学生的联邦贷款资格足以支付课程的费用, 而且学生已经支付了课程费用, 学生可以退还他们最初的自付费用.

I do not meet the criteria for federal student loan funding for my pre-requisite coursework.  What are my other options?

Non-matriculated students can pursue private student loan funding as an alternative to federal loans.  Students can review a list of lender options that Rochester students have used recently through ElmSelect.  如果学生正在为他们的非入学课程申请私人贷款, they are encouraged to submit proof of their approval for that loan funding to the Financial Aid Office at  经批准的私人学生贷款足以支付他们的课程费用, 然后,学生应该在网上提交他们的课程注册.  The Financial Aid Office will coordinate with the School of Nursing to certify the private loan and confirm the funds can be applied to the cost of the coursework.

请记住,并不是所有的贷款机构都允许非入学学生向他们借款, so students are encouraged to confirm with the lender that they can be approved for funds as a non-matriculated student, 提交贷款申请前.

I am employed by UR and would like to use tuition benefits to help cover the cost of my non-matriculated coursework.  我该采取什么行动呢?

Rochester employees who are benefit-eligible should reach out to the Office of Total Rewards to confirm their eligibility and submit a tuition benefit application.  Total Rewards will coordinate with the School of Nursing to confirm the student’s eligibility for funding once the student has submitted their benefit paperwork.  总奖励可通过电话(585)275-8747或通过电子邮件发送到

我打算在另一所大学攻读学位, 但我想在网赌论坛有哪些修我的预科. 我有资格申请联邦贷款吗?

是的,你也可以要求审查你是否有资格获得联邦贷款.  在完成非入学证明表格的部分后, submit the form to the admissions office of your planned degree program for their completion.  Once they have completed the form verified the courses as necessary pre-requisites for entry into their program, submit it to
