



No. 无论你的家庭是否有经济需要,你都可以竞争奖学金.

I’ve been admitted to the University. When will I learn about my financial aid?

按时完成所有申请材料并被大学录取的学生将在录取通知后不久收到经济援助电子邮件通知. 尽一切努力确保所有学生在5月1日存款截止日期之前收到他们的经济援助奖励信息. 但是,迟到的申请人可能需要在收到奖励之前做出存款决定.


没有收到经济援助通知的学生通常没有提交经济援助办公室要求的所有材料. 确保你已经完成了CSS简介和FAFSA,并将该大学列入接收信息的学校名单中. If you have any concerns about your financial aid application, 网赌论坛有哪些.

What else do I need to know as a prospective transfer student?

申请要求和通知程序根据您寻求入学的学期而有所不同. For the most up-to-date information, please 网赌论坛有哪些. There are some merit scholarships that are unique to transfer students. Transfer students are also subject to different general guidelines, 例如贷款水平和他们可能获得机构资助的学期数. 转学生只能在入学时确定的毕业日期之前获得大学资助.


网赌论坛有哪些使用制度方法论(IM)分析来计算每个家庭的预期贡献. 所得数字通常高于用于计算联邦援助资格的联邦方法(FM)分析. 尽管母公司资产的一小部分被包括在IM计算中, 在大多数情况下,父母的收入, 家庭规模, and number of children in college have a greater effect on aid eligibility.

Are there income cutoffs for financial assistance?

No. Every application is individually reviewed so that factors such as 资产, 家庭规模, and number in college are considered, 除了家庭收入.

Are special circumstances considered?

如果你的家庭对支付助学金之外的部分费用有顾虑, 我们鼓励你 网赌论坛有哪些 so that we may discuss the situation with you. 每种情况都是独一无二的, 因此,我们将与您一起确定哪些融资方案可以帮助您的家庭. 在所有情况下, 为了对你的档案进行进一步的审查,你需要一份详细说明你的特殊情况的书面申诉,并提供适当的文件. Keep in mind that appeals are not guaranteed to be approved.


在减少大学助学金之前,收到的外部奖学金金额将减少勤工俭学和贷款奖励. 外部奖励和罗彻斯特打包奖励的组合不得超过学生确定的机构需求或估计的出勤成本.


Undergraduates in the Arts, Sciences & 工程学专业必须达到规定的累积GPA,并在每学期结束时积累一定数量的学分,才能继续获得经济援助. These requirements are outlined in the Federal and University Academic Standing Policy. For recipients of New York State aid, please also review the New York State Academic Standing Policy.

What is FAOnline and how do I access it?

FAOnline是网赌论坛有哪些的在线学生经济援助门户网站. All students receiving financial aid are required to use FAOnline 审查财政援助奖项,获取所需文件,并随时了解重要的截止日期. 学生们会定期收到有关他们的经济援助信息的电子邮件,并被指示登录FAOnline查看他们的账户. You can log into your 账户 online; you’ll need your 网赌论坛有哪些 ID number (not your Net ID) to get started.

When will my financial aid disburse to my student 账户?

助学金不能早于每学期开学前10天发放. 请记住,在你的援助有资格发放之前,你必须完成所有的要求. 这些要求通常包括注册和所有财政援助申请材料, in addition to any specific loan requirements. You will be notified by email of any outstanding items every two weeks. 通常, if all requirements are met and you’re registered, your federal and University aid should disburse the week of classes. You can always track your disbursement progress through your FAOnline 账户.

看来在我的经济援助支付了我的直接费用之后,我可能有资格获得退款. 我什么时候有空?

如果你的总经济援助超过了你的直接成本,你希望收到退款来帮助你支付生活费用, you may request a credit balance from the 财务主管的办公室. 退款是不可用的,直到财政援助资金已经支付到你的学生账单账户. 虽然这些资金可以用来支付书本费和生活费(如果你不住在校园里,包括房租), 你应该准备好在每学期开始时用你的积蓄支付你的费用,直到经济援助资金被申请到你的账户. 你应该带钱来学校,以帮助支付你的书籍和用品,因为经济援助并不总是可以帮助你购买这些物品.

Do I have to apply for aid every year?

是的. All students applying for aid will need to file a FAFSA every year. Additional application materials may also be required, 你会在每年的12月收到通知,这样你就可以在12点前完成申请流程.m. 美国东部时间3月15日午夜.

请记住,没有在3月15日之前提交经济援助申请和所有证明文件的归国学生, 2022年的学生不能保证充分考虑基于需求的大学助学金援助,并且由于资金有限,他们的机构援助可能会减少. Merit-based aid does not require a new application every year.

由于各种原因,大学的学生可能会看到他们的基于需求的资助在不同年份之间发生变化. Those reasons aren’t always clear to students, 因此,我们制作了一个视频,解释了经济援助背后的更广泛趋势,以及每年的预期情况,以及学生可能会看到变化的一些常见原因.  一定要去看看!

For students and parents interested in learning more about our aid policies, 我们鼓励您仔细阅读我们的 FA手册 2022-2023学年. 在一般情况下, if a student’s financial circumstances (income, 资产, 每年报告的家庭/大学人数相似,并且所有申请截止日期都是满足的, they should expect to see a similar aid package.

How do I decline or reduce my financial aid?

Any requests to decline or reduce your financial aid should be 给你的辅导员发邮件. These requests must be sent by you, the student.

Does my housing impact my financial aid eligibility?

申请经济资助资格的基本公式是 出勤费用 以及你预期的家庭贡献,这构成了你家庭的经济需求. 授予你的经济援助将大致符合你确定的经济需求.

住宿和伙食(膳食计划)项目在你的出席费用是由你的住房状况的影响, 与校园, 校外, 通勤学生有很大不同的食宿津贴. For students who live in campus housing, 你的出勤费用中的食宿项目也会根据你分配的住房单位而有所不同. 因此,是的,根据上述公式,你的住房会影响你的援助资格.

每个住房单元的出勤费用将考虑到您将收取的房间租金费用的差异, 以及你必须根据你的住房分配选择的膳食计划(董事会)选项. 经济援助资格是基于学生采取最低成本的膳食计划选项提供给他们, with different housing units having different minimum-cost plans.

了解更多关于住房和膳食计划的选择如何影响你的成本和援助资格, 我们鼓励你 take advantage of an interactive 住房和膳食计划网赌论坛有哪些工具. 该工具使您有机会根据您的个人情况和偏好进一步探索您的选项. You are also encouraged to contact your 经济援助顾问 with further questions after using the Research Tool.


有兴趣参加暑期班的本科生需要填写暑期援助申请, 可以通过 FAOnline 2月1日后. 经济援助办公室将处理您的请求,并确定您是否有资格获得联邦和/或州援助. 如果你没有资格获得联邦和/或州援助,私人贷款也可以用来支付暑期课程的费用. 我们建议您 和你的辅导员谈谈 if you have questions regarding how summer aid works.

Additional information can be found on our 网站.

我将从我父母的雇主那里得到一笔钱来帮助我支付教育费用. How is that applied to my financial aid?

Employer benefits cannot be used to replace a part of your family resources; it must be taken into 账户 in your financial aid awards, in accordance with federal regulations and University policy. In order to take these benefits into 账户, they will replace need-based grants from the University first, 如果授予, with any excess then replacing self-help aid.

The currency in my home country has been devalued over the past year, 让出席的成本更高. Can my aid eligibility be reconsidered on that basis?

国家货币汇率是根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的人均国内生产总值数据计算的,并根据在财政援助申请中报告收入的同一年的可用数据每年更新一次.e. 2021 income and IMF data to apply for the 2023-24 academic year).


I’m concerned I won’t graduate on time. How many semesters of aid can I receive at the University?

你有资格在网赌论坛有哪些获得最多八个学期的经济援助,或者直到你的第一个学士学位要求得到满足, whichever is first (for dual degree programs, you have up to 10 semesters or until your dual degree requirements are met, 以先到者为准). 请与您的学术顾问密切合作,制定支持按时完成学位的学术计划.

If you are approved for a ninth semester of enrollment at the College, 你也可以获得经济援助. However, a separate appeal is required and approval is not guaranteed.



参加冬季课程的学生将把这些学分加到春季学期的成绩单上.  学费 for Winter Session courses will be $970 per credit hour. Students who are eligible for federal or University loan funding, 谁还没有使用他们在学年的全额贷款资格, 是否可以申请贷款资金加入助学金,以协助支付冬季课程的费用. Grant assistance will not be provided for Winter Session coursework.


我刚收到财政援助办公室发来的最新奖学金通知. Why hasn’t the change to my financial aid shown up in UR Student yet?

UR Student does not update in real time. It updates approximately once per business day. If a change has been made to your financial aid package, 请留出最多两个工作日的时间,以便您在UR Student上的声明反映这一变化.


因为你通过这些项目赚到的钱会出现在你的两周薪水中, 它永远不会像其他类型的援助那样出现在你的账单上. 如何在学年期间最好地利用这些收入来资助你的教育,这取决于你.

例如, 你可以用这笔钱来支付整个学期的书本费和补给费,或者你也可以决定支付一部分学费.

Why is there a charge for health insurance on my bill?

所有全日制学生都必须有符合大学保险标准的健康保险. 如果你在账单上看到健康保险的费用,而你已经通过你父母的计划(或你自己的计划)投保了。, you may have forgotten to waive the University health insurance. 您可以登录到  网站 to waive the University insurance. Open Enrollment begins June 14 and ends September 15. Remember, this process must be completed every year.


If I’m receiving an outside scholarship, where do I send the check?


What options do I have for covering the amount due on my bill?

Your parent can apply for a Parent PLUS Loan. To learn more about the PLUS loan, visit the 联邦学生资助 网站. To apply for the PLUS loan, your parents should visit the 直接贷款 网站.

Who do I talk to about different types of questions?

如果你对账单上的费用或付款计划有疑问, you should contact the 财务主管的办公室 at (585) 275-3931 or bursar@admin.罗彻斯特.edu. If your question pertains to your financial aid package, you should contact your 经济援助顾问.